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/ Magazyn Enter 1999 April / enter_04_1999_1.iso / DEMA / print office / proff.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-02-17  |  86KB  |  955x768  |  16-bit (18,882 colors)
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OCR: Untitled Corel Print Office File P3 View Format Help X 100 200 miM limeters Corel Print Office GUIDED ACTIVITIES Wha you like to do? CHANGE THINGS imait your project IKAM ADD THINGS Corporation Men wnwaan Add words and objects CHANGE VIEW Change the project view SAVE PROIECT Save your project Subjent: PRINT PROIECT Date: Send project printer. FINISH PROJECT From: Send Publish Convert Exit. Message: NEW PROJECT Start new project Guides Stules Catalog Arrange Text pinoM Meno obiects Subjeet projec Styles Batalog